
Braunton Crest, Braunton Parish Council LogoFULL MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL

Braunton Parish Council holds Full Council meetings on a monthly basis. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber, at the rear of the Parish Hall, at 7pm every second Tuesday of every month and Additional Council meetings every fourth Monday throughout the year. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held on any day in May, except in an election year when it must be held within 14 days of the election. It is at this meeting that the Chairman for the year is elected. A Vice Chairman may also be elected, Committees reviewed etc.

The Role of the Councillor

There are three Committees as follows:

  • Finance & Administration Committee
  • Property Committee
  • Parks & Gardens Committee 

Additional Council meetings to consider Planning Applications and other Council matters are held on the fourth Monday of each month, when necessary to accommodate deadlines set by the Planning Authority. The remaining Committee meetings are held as and when required but normally around three times a year.

All of the above meetings are open to the press and general public and the ratified minutes of all Council meetings are public documents. Councillors who are not members of a committee may attend the meetings but cannot speak or vote.

The Annual Parish Meeting must be held each year between 1 March and 1 June. It provides the opportunity for the Chairman of the Council to formally address the Community of Braunton on the work of the Parish Council, whilst giving electors the opportunity to attend and speak.  This year's Parish Meeting was held at 7pm on 10 April 2024 in the Parish Hall.

A Quorum of five members is required at full Council meetings and, in the case of Committees, three members. If attendance falls below the Quorum at any meeting decisions cannot be made and action should be taken in accordance with Item 6 of Braunton Parish Council Standing Orders.

A Councillor who fails to attend any Council meetings, or Council Committee meetings for a period of six consecutive months ceases to be a Councillor unless the Councillor has a statutory excuse or the reason for absence has been approved by Council. It is therefore good practice to send apologies for non-attendance, with the reason.